Illustration of a person relaxing in bed with a cup of coffee and phone, indicating they are on the Elections Alberta website, accompanied by a small black and white cat

Reminding Albertans of the power of their voice



We created a campaign for the 2023 provincial election that reminded Albertans that every voice matters, driving voter interest and turnout in an important democratic event.


  • Empowered voters with inspiring messaging.
  • Reinforced messaging on TV, Radio, and social.
  • Successfully impacted advanced voter turnout.

Key Challenge

We needed to help overcome apathy, build trust in the elections process, and inspire Albertans to participate in this important election.

Strategic platform


One voice can’t make a difference


Feel the power of your voice


Inspiring voter pride and turnout

Creative strategy

Remind people the power of their voice and inspire them to use it.

Illustration of a person in a suit holding a phone, indicating they are on the Elections Alberta website, while making a peace sign and standing next to ties and flowers
Four-panel Instagram story showing a person preparing for a first date, progressing from stressed to confident. The final frame contrasts the ease of registering to vote with Elections Alberta
Four-panel Instagram story showing a person struggling with moving boxes, progressing to feeling calm while registering to vote on their phone. The final frame encourages voter registration with Elections Alberta

The Results

voices heard during the provincial election.
advanced voters – a record that was up 8% from the 2019 election.

Don’t be left out.

Sign up today to hear all the news as it happens. We’re excited to share what’s coming next.


A design language meant to DEFY

We designed a conference brand meant for designers at the 2022 RGD DesignThinkers. With a new visual language rooted in defiance, we inspired attendees to reignite their creativity.

Bold red background featuring black icons designed for the 2022 RGD DesignThinkers conference, symbolizing defiance and reigniting creativity for designers