Customer Service Policy
Juniper ParkTBWA Communications ULC (the “Company”) is committed to providing high quality service to all of its customers and clients, including customers and clients with disabilities. It is the Company’s objective to provide customer service in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of individuals with disabilities. This means that the Company will take steps to ensure that its goods and services are provided in an accessible manner and, to the fullest extent possible, allow individuals with disabilities to access goods and services in the same way as all other customers and clients.
1. Communicating with Individuals with Disabilities
The Company understands that how we communicate to our clients and customers is key to our business. The Company is committed to communicating with individuals with disabilities in a manner that takes into account their disabilities, and we will train our staff who communicate with customers and clients accordingly. We recognize that disabilities and any accommodations required by individuals with disabilities are not always obvious or apparent. The Company is committed to being guided by the principles of respect, dignity and independence in interacting with all individuals, including individuals with disabilities.
Our commitment to communicating effectively with individuals with disabilities applies to all aspects of our communications with clients and customers (and potential clients and customers), including face to face interactions, telephone and electronic communications, and written documents, including without limitation, presentations, contracts and billings.
2. Assistive Devices, Service Animals and Support Persons
The Company is committed to welcoming individuals with disabilities into our premises and ensuring that they can access our goods and services. Individuals who use assistive devices will be able to obtain, use and benefit from our goods and services. To the greatest extent possible, we will ensure that our staff are familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers and clients to access our services. If the Company maintains assistive devices that may be used by customers and clients, we will ensure our staff is trained with respect to their use.
Subject to applicable laws, individuals with disabilities who are required to be accompanied by a service animal on the parts of our premises open to the public and other third parties, will be permitted to do so. The Company is similarly committed to welcoming individuals with disabilities who are accompanied by a support person. At no time will an individual who requires a support person be prevented from having access to that person while on our premises.
3. Notice of Temporary Disruptions
The Company will provide customers and clients with notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption of the facilities or services usually used by individuals with disabilities in accessing the Company’s premises or goods and services. The notice will include information regarding the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of any alternative facilities or services for use, if available. The notice will be brought to the attention of individuals with disabilities in a manner reasonable in the circumstances, for example, by posting the notice in the Company’s premises, on its website or in another manner.
4. Feedback Process
The overall objective of the Company is to meet and surpass customer and client expectations in all respects, including in our service to individuals with disabilities. Comments regarding how well those expectations are being met are vital, welcome and appreciated. We recognize that feedback can make the Company’s customer service better.
Feedback regarding the way the Company provides goods and services to customers and clients (and potential customers and clients) with disabilities can be made verbally, by email, by letter or otherwise. All feedback will be directed to the Company’s Human Resources team for consideration. Complaints and other feedback requiring a response will be addressed promptly and according to the Company’s existing policies and procedures regarding customer and client feedback.
5. Training of Staff
The Company will ensure that employees, volunteers and others who deal with the public or other third parties on its behalf, and all those who are involved in the development and approval of customer services policies, practices and procedures, receive training in compliance with applicable laws, including the Ontario Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”).
Training will include, at minimum, the elements set out below.
– An explanation of the purposes of AODA and the customer service standards enacted under AODA.
– Information regarding how to interact and communicate with individuals with various types of disabilities.
– Information regarding how to interact and communicate with individuals who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person.
– Information regarding how to use any assistive device or other equipment or material available at the Company that may help with the provision of goods and services to individuals with disabilities.
– Instruction on what to do if an individual with a disability is having difficulty accessing the Company’s goods or services.
– Information regarding the Company’s policies, practices and procedures relating to customer service for individuals with disabilities, including this policy.
6. Modification of Policy and Questions
All of our other customer service related policies and practices will be applied with reference to this policy regarding the provision of goods and services to individuals with disabilities. This policy will be updated from time to time to ensure compliance with applicable laws and the Company’s objective of providing high quality service to customers and clients with disabilities. Should you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact the Company’s Human Resources team. This policy will be available in accessible formats if requested.